Multicultural and Religious Holidays & Observances
Expanding our knowledge of the diverse cultural and faith traditions of members of our academic community helps strengthen relationships with one another, fosters collegiality, respect, and acceptance, and positively impacts our overall campus culture.
Please keep in mind that this calendar is an educational resource intended to provide a general overview, and the information may not apply to all individuals in any given culture or faith, nor is this an exhaustive list. To recommend additional religious or cultural observances to be highlighted in this calendar, please contact our Office of Multicultural Affairs and Community Outreach at
Recent Campus Activities & Programs
Native American Heritage Month
We honored and celebrated Native American Heritage Month with Tony Duncan and his family who graciously shared Indigenous Americans' traditions and rich culture with our campus community. It was an honor to have them share meaningful stories through regalia, songs, and dances.

First-Gen Proud Event
Midwestern University students, faculty, and staff gathered to hear a panel share their common story. The panel included faculty from the College of Dental Medicine-Illinois (CDMI), the Chicago College of Optometry (CCO), the College of Health Sciences (CHS), the College of Graduate Studies (CGS), and members of the Student Services staff who are the first in their family to graduate from college. Through this shared experience, students in similar situations and event attendees gained insight into how others worked through similar situations and challenges in their pursuit of higher education.

Alumni Diversity Council
The Alumni Diversity council was created to support the University’s commitment to embracing diversity and fostering a culture of inclusivity as an integral part of academic excellence, skilled patient care, and growing and strengthening our community. The council engages with the University community in many ways including special service projects.

January 1st: New Year's Day (modern Gregorian calendar)
January 1st: Global Family Day / World Peace Day
January 1st: Gantan-sai/ Shogatu/ Shinto New Year Holiday (Shinto)
January 2nd: St. Basil's Day (Orthodox Christian)
January 4th: World Braille Day
January 6th: Epiphany/ Twelfth Night/ Dia de los Reyes/ Three Kings Day (Roman Catholic and Protestant Christian)
January 6th: Christmas Day (Armenian Orthodox Christian)
January 7th (Julian Calendar): Christmas Day (Eastern Orthodox Christian)
January 17th: Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday and National Day of Service
January 27th: International Holocaust Remembrance/Day of Commemoration Day
January 22, 2023 / February 10, 2024 / January 29, 2025: Lunar New Year | Chinese Chunjie | Vietnamese Tet | Korean Solnal | Tibetan Losar | Spring Festival
February 1st: National Freedom Day
February 1-2: Imbolc / Candlemas
February 3: Setsubun-sai (Shinto)
February 2nd: Groundhog Day
February 11th: International Day of Women and Girls in Science
February 14th: Valentine's Day
February 14th: Arizona Statehood Day
February 15th: President's Day
February 17th: Random Act of Kindness Day
February 21, 2023: Tibetan New Year/ Losar (Buddhism)
February 28th (February 29th in leap years): Rare Disease Day
February - March: Ash Wednesday and Lent
Black History Month/African-American History Month
Illinois holiday celebrated the first Monday in March: Casimir Pulaski Day
March 2 - 20, 2023: Nineteen Day Fast Period (Baha'i***)
March 6th, 2023: Magha Puja Day (Buddhist)
March 6-7, 2023 / March 23-24, 2024 / March 13-14, 2025 / March 2-3, 2026: Purim (Judaism)
March 8th: International Women's Day
March 8, 2023 / March 25, 2024 / March 14, 2025: Holi (Hinduism)
March 8 - 10, 2023 / March 25 - 27, 2024 / March 14 - 16, 2025: Hola Mohalla (Sikhism)
March 17th: St. Patrick's Day
March 21st: World Down Syndrome Day
March 22nd - April 21st, 2023 / March 10 - April 9, 2024 / February 28 - March 30, 2025 / February 17 - March 18, 2026 *: Ramadan (Islam; dates may vary. Halal/Islamic dietary restrictions** apply.)
March 21 - 22, 2023 / March 20 - 21, 2024 / March 21 - 22, 2025 & 2026*: Naw Ruz (Baha'i***)
March 31st: César Chávez Day
Nowruz/Norooz (Persian New Year)
Taoist Festival honoring the Shen of Water, East and Spring
Greek-American/Hellenic Heritage Month
Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Month
* Indicates the holiday begins at sundown on the first day through sunset on the last day.
** "Halal dietary restrictions apply” refers to the foods prohibited according to Islamic dietary law throughout the year. Restrictions include alcohol and pork.
Shabbat, Jewish Sabbath: Every week from Friday sundown to Saturday sundown. (Also observed by several Christian denominations, the largest being 7th Day Adventists)
***Baha'is holidays begin at sunset on the day preceding the given date. There are also 19 days of fasting.
April 5-13, 2023/ April 22-30, 2024 / April 12-20, 2025*: Passover/Pesach (Judaism; dates may vary)
April 2, 2023/ March 24, 2024 / April 13, 2025 / March 29, 2026: Palm Sunday (Roman Catholic, Protestant Christian, Eastern Orthodox Christianity) April 6th: RAINN Day
April 7, 2023 / March 29, 2024 / April 18, 2025 / April 3, 2026: Good Friday (Roman Catholic and Protestant Christian)
April 9th, 2023 : Easter (Roman Catholic and Protestant Christian)
April 14, 2023 / May 3, 2024 / April 18, 2025): Holy Friday / Good Friday (Eastern Orthodox Christian)
April 14th: Vaisakhi (Sikh/Hindu)
April 16th, 2023: Pascha/ Easter (Eastern Orthodox Christian Church)
April 21 - May 2, 2023 **: Ridvan (Baha'i; 1, 9, 12th days)
April 21 -22, 2023 / April 9-10, 2024 / March 30-31, 2025 / March 19-20, 2026 *: Eid al-Fitr (Islam; dates may vary. Halal/Islamic dietary restrictions** apply.)
April 22nd: Earth Day
April 17-18, 2023 / May 4-5, 2024 / April 24-25, 2025 / April 13-14, 2026: Yom HaSho'ah/Holocaust Remembrance Day
Arab-American Heritage Month
Autism Awareness Month
Sexual Assault Awareness Month
Stress Awareness Month
* Indicates the holiday begins at sundown on the first day through sunset on the last day.
** "Halal dietary restrictions apply” refers to the foods prohibited according to Islamic dietary law throughout the year. Restrictions include alcohol and pork.
Shabbat, Jewish Sabbath: Every week from Friday sundown to Saturday sundown. (Also observed by several Christian denominations, the largest being 7th Day Adventists)
May 9-15: National Women's Health Week
May 15th: Armed Forces Day
May 18th: Ascension Day/40th Day of Easter (Orthodox Christian)
May 25 -27, 2023/ Jun 11-13, 2024 / Jun 1-3, 2025/ May 21-23, 2026 *: Shavout (Judaism)
May 26, 2023 / May 15, 2024 / May 5, 2025: Buddha Day / Visakha Puja (Buddhist)
May 29, 2023: Ascension of the Baha'u'llah (Baha'i**)
Mother's Day
Asian-American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month
Jewish-American Heritage Month
Older Americans Month
Speech and Hearing Awareness Month
* Indicates the holiday begins at sundown on the first day through sunset on the last day.
** Baha'is holidays begin at sunset on the day preceding the given date. There are also 19 days of fasting.
June 7-14: Multiracial Heritage Week
June 12th: Loving Day
June 15th: World Elder Abuse Awareness Day
June 19th: Juneteenth Holiday
June 20th: World Refugee Day
June 28-29, 2023*: Eid al-Adha (Islam; dates may vary)
National Men's Health Month
Caribbean-American Heritage Month
* Indicates the holiday begins at sundown on the first day through sunset on the last day.
July 4th: Independence Day
July 11th: World Population Day
July 18th: Nelson Mandela International Day
July 24th: Pioneer Day
July 26 - 27, 2023*: Tish'a B'Av (Judaism)
* Indicates the holiday begins at sundown on the first day through sunset on the last day.
August 1st: Lammas / Lughnasadh Beginning of Harvest Celebration (Druid, Pagan, Wiccan)
August 9th: International Day of the World’s Indigenous Peoples
August 15th: Assumption of Mary (Catholic Christian)
August 26th: National Women’s Equality Day
August 21st: National Senior Citizen Day
August 26th: Women's Equality Day
August 30, 2023: Raksha Bandhan (Hindu)
National Minority Donor Awareness Month
September 6-7, 2023: Krishna Janmashtami (Hindu)
September 15 - October 15: Hispanic Heritage Month
September 17th: Constitution Day and Citizenship Day
September 10th: World Suicide Prevention Day
September 18th: National HIV/AIDS and Aging Awareness Day
September 21st: International Day of Peace
September 15-27, 2023 / October 2-4, 2024 / September 22-24, 2025*: Rosh Hashanah (New Year - Judaism High Holy Days. Kosher restrictions apply.)
September 21-29: Mabon / Alban Elfed / Autumnal Equinox (Druid, Pagan, Wiccan)
Oct. 15-24, 2023 / Oct. 2-12, 2024 / Sept. 22 - Oct. 2, 2025: Navaratri (Hindu)
* Indicates the holiday begins at sundown on the first day through sunset on the last day.
October 2nd: International Day of Non-Violence
Sept. 24-25, 2023 / Oct. 11-12, 2024 / Oct. 1-2, 2025**: Yom Kippur (Judaism - High Holy Days. Kosher restrictions** apply.)
Sept. 29- Oct. 6, 2023 / Oct. 16-23, 2024 / Oct. 6-13, 2025 **: Sukkot (Judaism - High Holy Days. Kosher restrictions** apply.)
October 10th: World Mental Health Day
October 16-18, 2022 / Oct. 6-8, 2023 / Oct. 23-25, 2024 / Oct. 13-15, 2025*: Shemini Atzeret (Judaism. Kosher restrictions apply.)
October 24th, 2022/ October 20th, 2025: Diwali (Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, Jain; date varies year to year)
October 25th: Birth of the Bab (Baha'i)
October 26-27th, 2022*: Birth of Baha'u'llah (Baha'i)
October 28th: National Immigrants Day
October 31 - November 1: Samhain (Druid, Pagan, Wiccan)
Global Diversity Awareness Month
Filipino-American Heritage Month
German-American Heritage Month
Italian-American Heritage Month
Polish-American Heritage Month
Domestic Violence Awareness Month
National Bullying Prevention Month
National Depression Education and Awareness Month
National Diabetes Awareness Month
* Indicates the holiday begins at sundown on the first day through sunset on the last day.
** “Kosher restrictions apply” refers to the dietary guidelines of Jewish law which apply daily throughout the year. Restrictions include pork, shellfish (fish is allowed) and mixing meat with dairy.
November 1: All Saints Day (Catholic and Protestant Christian)
November 2: All Souls Day (Catholic Christian)
November 8th: Guru Nanak Gurpurab (Sikh)
November 11th: Veterans Day
November 12th, 2023 / November 1, 2024: Diwali (Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, Jain; date varies year to year)
November 16th: International Day For Tolerance
November 19th: International Men’s Day
November 25th: International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women
November 27-December 24: Advent (Catholic, Orthodox, and Protestant Christian)
December 3rd: International Day of People with Disabilities
December 3rd: Illinois Statehood Day
December 8th: Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception/ Feast of the Immaculate Conception (Roman Catholic; Holy Day of Obligation)
December 10th: Human Rights Day
Dec. 7-15, 2023 / Dec. 25 - Jan. 2, 2025 *: Hanukkah / Chanukah (Judaism; kosher restrictions apply.)
December 21st: Yalda / Chelleh Night
December 21st: Dongzhi Festival
Yule/Midwinter/Alban Arthan/Winter Solstice (Druid, Pagan, Wiccan)
December 23rd: HumanLight
December 25th: Christmas (Roman Catholic and Protestant Christian)
December 26th - January 1st: Kwanzaa
December 31st: New Year's Eve
* Indicates the holiday begins at sundown on the first day through sunset on the last day.
Reminder about Dates
Lunar calendars vary based on region and practice. Islamic dates are approximate; the official days can be plus/minus one day and depend upon the official physical sighting of the new moon.